129th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan

Session information


S1. [Symposium] Geology of the Kanto Plain ーFrom outcrops to deep underground

[1oral301-06] S1. [Symposium] Geology of the Kanto Plain ーFrom outcrops to deep underground

Sun. Sep 4, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM oral room 3 (Build. 14, 102)

Chiar:Kiyoshi KATO, Tomohiro KASAMA

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

*Hiroshi SATO1,2, Susumu Abe3, Makoto Matsubara4, Tatsuya Ishiyama1, Naoko Kato5,1, Eiji Kurashimo1, Takaya Iwasaki6,1, Naoshi Hirata1,4 (1. The Univ. of Tokyo, 2. Shizuoka Univ., 3. JGI. Inc., 4. National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, 5. Nihon University, 6. Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction)



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