129th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan

Presentation information

Session Poster

J1. Junior Session

[7poster-0900] J1. Junior Session

Sat. Sep 10, 2022 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM poster (poster)

[J-P-6] Scientize the Natural Phenomenon called Shiranui 3~Is the Shiranui just a floating island phenomenon at night?~

★日本地質学会ジュニアセッション優秀賞 受賞★

Kumamoto Prefectural Uto High School

3年 柳田眞太朗、新宅結衣、松尾典明、秦 敬一朗、永井 和、中村 優斗
1年 新宅草太、徳丸亮汰、本田琢磨
