130th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan

Presentation information

Session Poster

J1. Junior Session

[1poster69-93] J1. Junior Session

Sun. Sep 17, 2023 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Jr._poster (Yoshida-South Campus Academic Center Bldg.)

[J1-P-15] Three-dimensional structure of lord-and-flame structures and balls-and-pillows in the Miocene Morozaki Group at the Toyohama Sakai seashore in Minamichita-town,Chita Peninsula,central Japan

*Natural Science Club Nagoya Junior High School1, Earth Science Club Nagoya Senior High School2 (1. Nagoya Junior High School/Natural Science Club, 2. Nagoya Senior High School/Earth Science Club)


東西に延びる細かく浅い溝は南北断面でないと捉えにくいが,20cm程度の波長で大きく落ち込む構造は東西断面でも捉えやすい。その結果,南北断面はball-and-pillow structure に見えることが多く,東西断面では東側に先端の屈曲したflame structure またはload casts に見えることが多い。また,小さな溝の西側が太く深くなっており,Moretti M他(2001)によれば,堆積場は西側が高く,東側が低い斜面であった。

<文献>Moretti M, Soria JM, Alfaro P and Walsh N,2001,Asymmetrical soft sediment deformation structures triggered by rapid sedimentation in turbiditic deposits (Late Miocene, Guadix Basin, southern Spain). Facies, 44: 283-294.

キーワード:flame structure,load casts,ball-and-pillow structures,sedimentary structures,Morozaki Group