130th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan

Presentation information


Session Poster

T9[Topic Session]From magma source to magma plumbing system【EDI】

[3poster14-22] T9[Topic Session]From magma source to magma plumbing system

Tue. Sep 19, 2023 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM T9_poster (Yoshida-South Campus Academic Center Bldg.)

[T9-P-2] (entry) Igneous activity of meta-granitoids in Oki-Dogo, Shimane, SW Japan

*Satomi HIRAI1, Kenichiro TANI2, Shunsuke ENDO1, Mai FUJIWARA3, Atsushi KAMEI1 (1. Shimane Univ., 2. National Museum of Nature and Science, 3. Nittoc Construction Co.,LTD)