一般社団法人日本老年歯科医学会 第32回学術大会


教育講演 ※日本語字幕あり

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Oral health of older people in the United Kingdom and the impact of COVID-19

2021年6月13日(日) 15:55 〜 17:20 Line B (ライブ配信)

座長:松尾 浩一郎(東京医科歯科大学大学院地域・福祉口腔機能管理学分野)、多田 紗弥夏(Faculty of Dentistry/ National University of Singapore)

【松尾 浩一郎先生 略歴】
Koichiro Matsuo
Professor, Oral Health Sciences for Community Welfare, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

Dr. Matsuo earned both DDS and PhD degrees from Tokyo Medical and Dental University. He joined the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins University as a post-doctoral research fellow for three years (2002-05) and an assistant professor for three years (2005-08). He was back to Japan in 2008, and after working at Matsumoto Dental University (2008-12) and Fujita Health University (2013-21), appointed to current position in 2021.
His clinical interests include geriatric dentistry for frail elderly individuals. His recent research has focused on oral health in frail older individuals and fundamental understanding of physiology of mastication and swallowing.

【多田 紗弥夏先生 略歴】
・Name & Affiliation
Sayaka Tada, DDS, PhD
Assistant Professor
Discipline of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics & Prosthodontics,
Discipline of Primary Dental Care & Population Health
Faculty of Dentistry,
National University of Singapore,

・Short Biography
Dr. Sayaka Tada is Assistant Professor of the Discipline of Operative Dentistry, Endodontics & Prosthodontics as well as the Discipline of Primary Dental Care & Population Health at National University of Singapore since 2018. Currently, she is working as a Principle Investigator of the research project
She received her D.D.S. degree in 2007 and Ph.D. degree in 2012 from Osaka University, Japan. In 2014, she was certificated as prosthodontists from Japanese Society of Prosthodontics. After post-doc training in University College Cork (Ireland) and Osaka University (Japan), she worked as Assistant Professor of the Preventive Dentistry (WHO collaborating center) at Niigata University (Japan) between 2016 and 2017. Currently her major interest is about the management of partially dentate older adults, which ranges from a clinical decision-making process to a public healthcare system.

世界各国で高齢社会が進み、歯科医学においてもその対応が迫られている。本講演では、British Society of Gerdontology を代表して2 名の先生に講演をいただく。イギリスでの高齢社会の現状と歯科医療の状況についておよび、COVID-19 の感染拡大がどのように影響を及ぼしたのか講演いただく予定である。

・英国におけるCOVID-19 感染が老年歯科医学に及ぼした影響と対応について知ることができます。




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