Session information

Track 3

Reactor Concept

Wed. Oct 9, 2024 10:20 AM - 11:40 AM Room C (4F)

Chair: Koji Fujimura (Hitachi,Ltd.)


Paul Servell1, *Enrico Girardi1, Delphine Gerardin1, Emil Fridman2, Alexander Ponomarev2, Evgeny Nikitin2, Alessandro Pantano3, Andrei Rineiski4, Konstantin Mikityuk5, Jiri Krepel5, Anuj Dubey6 (1. Electricité de France (France), 2. Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (Germany), 3. CEA Cadarache (France), 4. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Germany), 5. Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland), 6. University of Cambridge (UK))



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