Presentation information

Track 9

Safety, Accident

Tue. Oct 8, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Room A2 (4F)

Chair: Imre Pázsit (Chalmers University of Technology)

5:10 PM - 5:30 PM

[2A2-03-06] Advanced Radioactive Material Removal System by Silver Zeolite

*Yasuhiro Kawahara1, Tadashi Narabayashi2, Koji Endo3, Yoshihiro Ishikawa3, Tomonori Watanabe4 (1. Kimura Chemical Plants Co., Ltd. (Japan), 2. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), 3. RASA Industries, LTD (Japan), 4. MORIMURA BROS., INC. (Japan))

Keywords:AgX, Silver zeolite, FCVS, Scrubbing nozzle, Radioactive iodine adsorbent, Multi-layer metal fiber, Severe accident, PRA

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