Presentation information

Track 1

Investigation on Fuel Cycle based on Actinide Management (series)

Tue. Oct 8, 2024 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM Room B2 (4F)

Chair: Frédéric Laugier (EDF)

1:50 PM - 2:10 PM

[2B2-03-02] Investigation on Fuel Cycle based on Actinide Management
Towards Sustainable Use of Nuclear Energy
(2) Analysis of the necessity and usefulness of MA temporary storage technology for the sustainable nuclear fuel cycle

*Tomohiro Okamura1, Masahiko Nakase1, Kenji Takeshita1, Takashi Shimada2,3, Yuki Konishi4, Keisuke Nishimura4, Hitomi Ishida4, Tomoo Yamamura3 (1. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan), 2. Mitsubishi FBR systems (Japan), 3. Kyoto University (Japan), 4. Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (Japan))

Keywords:Nuclear fuel cycle simulation, NMB4.0, MA temporary storage, Geological disposal, Actinide management

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