Presentation information

Track 4

Nuclide Separation

Tue. Oct 8, 2024 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM Room B3 (4F)

Tatsuya Suzuki (Nagaoka University of Technology)

11:40 AM - 12:00 PM

[2B3-02-03] Extraction of REE(III), Actinide(III, IV, V, VI) and Tc(VII) by N,N-di(2-ethylhexyl)-diglycolamic Acid (HDEHDGA)

Buyanri Nasen1, *Yan Zhang1, Yuanming Song1, Qian Liu1, Qi Yang1, Zhi Li1, Qixiu Ding1, Chen Wang1, Guoxin Tian1,2 (1. China Institute of Atomic Energy (China), 2. Harbin Engineering University (China))

Keywords:Solvent extraction, Rare Earth elements, Actinides, HLLW, n-dialkyl diglycolamic acid

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