Presentation information

Track 4

Off gas, aerosol

Wed. Oct 9, 2024 10:20 AM - 12:00 PM Room A2 (4F)

Chair: Martin G. Plys (Fauske & Associates)

11:20 AM - 11:40 AM

[3A2-01-04] Derivation of Hygroscopic Aerosol Model for Boiling and Drying out Accident Analysis for Fuel-Reprocessing Facility

*Daisuke Fujiwara1, Kyo Hisayuki1, Takashi Kodama2, Naoya Satou2, Michael Epstein3, Martin Plys3, Sung Jin Lee3 (1. TEPCO SYSTEMS CORPORATION (Japan), 2. JAPAN NUCLEAR FUEL LIMITED (Japan), 3. Fauske & Associates LLC (United States of America))

Keywords:Boiling and drying out accident, HALW, Droplet, Nitric acid, Hygroscopicity, Mason’s equation, Solute mass effect, Kelvin effect, Köehler theory, Fuchs theory

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