Presentation information

Track 4

Extraction Chromatography

Wed. Oct 9, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:10 PM Room B3 (4F)

Chair: Christian Sorel (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA))

2:10 PM - 2:30 PM

[3B3-02-03] Extraction chromatography technology for MA(III) recovery from spent MOX fuel
(3) Inactive tests for process flow design

*Tsuyoshi Arai1, Kenta Katsuki1, Hirotsugu Ichihara1, Yu Nakamura1, Hiroki Fukumoto2, Yuichi Sano3, Sou Watanabe3, Masayuki Takeuchi3 (1. Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan), 2. Ibaraki University (Japan), 3. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (Japan))

Keywords:Minor actinides, Extraction chromatography, Separation, TEHDGA, HONTA

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