
[21] International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University

The International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) was established in Tohoku University after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. It conducts a broad range of world-leading research on natural disaster science and disaster mitigation in collaboration with domestic and international organizations.

This year from November 25th to 28th, the first World Bosai Forum/International Disaster Risk Conference will be held in Sendai in partnership with the International Disaster and Risk Conference (IDRC) in Davos, Switzerland. The secretariat of the Forum is placed in the IRIDeS, who will take the principal role in organizing the Forum. A wide range of participants including officials and experts from domestic and overseas industries, governments, academia, private sectors as well as local citizens are expected to participate in the Forum. The World Bosai Forum aims to create practical solutions for disaster risk reduction, instilling the term “Bosai” that encompasses a comprehensive concept from disaster risk reduction to reconstruction and recovery, and share it with the world. For more details, please visit our website at http://www.worldbosaiforum.com/english/.
We look forward to your participation in the World Bosai Forum.