10:30 〜 10:45
Ulubey Ceken1, ○Eren Tepeugur2, Turgay Kuru2, Elcin Gok3, Caglar Ozer3,4, Orhan Polat3,5 (1.Head of the Earthquake Department, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic, Ankara, Turkey (ulubey.ceken@afad.gov.tr), 2.National Strong-Motion Network of the Earthquake Department, Disaster and Management Authority (AFAD), Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic, Ankara, Turkey (turgay.kuru@afad.gov.tr), 3.Division of Seismology, Department Geophysics, Engineering Faculty, Dokuz Eylul University (DEU), Izmir, Turkey (orhan.polat@deu.edu.tr) * Corresponding Author, 4.DEU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department Geophysics, Izmir 35160 Turkey, 5.Corresponding Author)