

IASPEI Symposia » S07. Strong ground motions and Earthquake hazard and risk

[S07-4] Hazard and risk assessment, and data processing strategies

2017年8月1日(火) 10:30 〜 12:00 Main Hall (Kobe International Conference Center 1F)

Chairs: Massimiliano Pittore (GFZ Potsdam) , Toshiaki Yokoi (BRI)

10:30 〜 10:45

Ulubey Ceken1, Eren Tepeugur2, Turgay Kuru2, Elcin Gok3, Caglar Ozer3,4, Orhan Polat3,5 (1.Head of the Earthquake Department, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic, Ankara, Turkey (ulubey.ceken@afad.gov.tr), 2.National Strong-Motion Network of the Earthquake Department, Disaster and Management Authority (AFAD), Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic, Ankara, Turkey (turgay.kuru@afad.gov.tr), 3.Division of Seismology, Department Geophysics, Engineering Faculty, Dokuz Eylul University (DEU), Izmir, Turkey (orhan.polat@deu.edu.tr) * Corresponding Author, 4.DEU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department Geophysics, Izmir 35160 Turkey, 5.Corresponding Author)