08:30 〜 08:45
○Alexey Zavyalov1, Oleg Zotov2, Anatol Guglielmi1, Ivan Lavrov2 (1.Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, 2.Borok Geophysical Observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS)
IASPEI Symposia » S09. Open session: Earthquake generation process - physics, modeling and monitoring for forecast
2017年8月1日(火) 08:30 〜 10:00 Room 503 (Kobe International Conference Center 5F, Room 503)
Chairs: Naoshi Hirata (ERI) , David Rhoades (GNS)
08:30 〜 08:45
○Alexey Zavyalov1, Oleg Zotov2, Anatol Guglielmi1, Ivan Lavrov2 (1.Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS, 2.Borok Geophysical Observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth RAS)
08:45 〜 09:00
○Kazuro Hirahara (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
09:00 〜 09:15
○Naoyuki Kato (Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
09:30 〜 09:45
○Kiyoshi Suyehiro1, 2, Selwyn Sacks2, Paul Rydelek2, Deborah Smith2, Tetsuo Takanami2 (1.JAMSTEC, Kanagawa, Japan, 2.DTM, Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington DC, USA)