Presentation information


IAG Symposia » G03. Time variable gravity field

[G03-3] Time-varying gravity field methods and solutions

Thu. Aug 3, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room 504+505 (Kobe International Conference Center 5F, Room 504+505)

Chairs: Srinivas Bettadpur (University of Texas at Austin) , Jürgen Kusche (University of Bonn)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[G03-3-01] Preliminary results from CSR RL06 GRACE gravity solutions

Himanshu Save (Center for Space Research, The University of Texas at Austin)

The GRACE mission data will be reprocessed in order to be consistent with the first gravity products released by the GRACE-FO project. The improvements in the next generation GRACE Release-06 (RL06) gravity products will come from the improvements in GRACE Level-1 data products, background models and processing methodology. This paper will discuss the planned and realized improvements for CSR – RL06 gravity products and present the preliminary results. This paper will discuss the evolution of the quality of the GRACE solutions and characterize the errors, especially over the past few years. We will also discuss the possible challenges associated with connecting the GRACE time series with that from GRACE-FO.