

Joint Symposia » J04. Geohazard early warning systems

[J04-P] Poster

2017年8月4日(金) 15:00 〜 16:00 Shinsho Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 3F)

15:00 〜 16:00

[J04-P-01] Real-Time Seismological Monitoring System in Northern Sakhalin

Igor V. Matveev, Vera V. Bykova, Alexander G. Mikhin, Ruben E. Tatevossian (Institute of the physics of the Earth RAS, Moscow, Russia)

Oil and gas are intensively exploited off-shore the Northern Sakhalin. Taking into account high level of seismic activity in the region and ecological risk of the corresponding infrastructure, permanent seismological monitoring is required. All the instrumentation and the monitoring system in a whole are designed in the Institute of the Physics of the Earth, RAS (Moscow, Russia). The final goal is to develop early-warning system to mitigate ecological risk. The system consists of 12 seismic stations, each equipped with three-component broadband velocimeter (T = 0.03 – 120 s) and accelerometer. The stations are spaced at about 20-30 km. Data is transferred to Khabarovsk, where the headquarter controlling all exploitation and transportation is situated. Data are automatically processed there in real time. The phase-picking is based on the STA/LTA algorithm. For tuning the algorithm of phase-picking, records are processed manually, in parallel. The system operates since September 2015. It is planned as a part of multi-component ecological early-warning monitoring system. Many hundreds of earthquakes are already parameterized and included in the catalogue. Strong-motion records are also obtained including records of felt earthquakes (intensity 4-5 MSK64 scale). Thus the system provides not only information for seismicity monitoring but also for engineering and future designing in the region.