3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
[J09-P-02] EPOS-Norway – Integration of Norwegian geoscientific data into a common e-infrastructure
The European Plate Observing System (EPOS) is a European project about building a pan-European infrastructure for accessing solid Earth science data. The EPOS-Norway project (EPOS-N) is a Norwegian project funded by National Research Council and is closely linked to the European EPOS project. The aims of EPOS-N project are divided into three work packages where the first one is about integrating Norwegian geoscientific data into an e-infrastructure (web portal). The other two work packages are about improving the geoscientific monitoring in the Arctic and about creating a Solid Earth Science Forum to communicate the progress within the geoscientific community and also providing feedback to the development group of the e-infrastructure. There are 5 institutions in Norway actively participating and providing data in the EPOS-N project – University of Bergen (UIB), University of Oslo (UIO), National Mapping Authority (NMA), Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) and NORSAR. The data which are about to be integrated are divided into categories – seismology, geodesy, geological maps and geophysical data. Before the data will be integrated into the e-infrastructure their formats need to follow the international standards which were already developed by the communities of geoscientists. Also, description of the data, i.e. metadata, needs to be clarified and recognized within the CERIF database system. For now, there are 33 Data, Data Products, Software and Services (DDSS) described in EPOS-N list. In the poster we present the Norwegian approach to the integration of the geoscientific data into the e-infrastructure, closely following the European EPOS project development. The partner in the project - Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) is specialized in visualizations of data and developing of an interactive web portal allowing to users making workflows (using Jupyter Notebook). One of the main challenges is to integrate the various data and bring them to a single environment.