Presentation information


IASPEI Symposia » S01. Open session

[S01-2] Open session II

Mon. Jul 31, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room 501 (Kobe International Conference Center 5F, Room 501)

Chairs: Thomas Meier (University of Kiel) , Aitaro Kato (University of Tokyo)

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

[S01-2-02] Policy issues for the European Seismological Services within EPOS

Florian Haslinger1, EPOS Seismology Consortium2 (1.ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2.EPOS Seismology, EPOS)

In the framework of EPOS, the European Plate Observing System initiative, which aims to become a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) covering the Solid Earth Sciences,the European seismological community is further developing its portfolio of common European services for seismological data and products, as one of the domain specific EPOS Thematic Core Services. Efforts are focusing on technical innovation, harmonization and coordination, building upon decades of collaboration in the collection and dissemination of earthquake parameter information at the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), of seismological waveforms and associated information at the Observatories and Research Facilities for Seismology in Europe (ORFEUS), as well as on more than 10 years of mainly project-driven collaboration in seismic hazard assessment leading to the establishment of the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (EFEHR). One key aspect in EPOS-Seismology is the conscious and comprehensive addressing of non-scientific issues: Data (sharing) policies, licenses and intellectual property (including attribution issues), and data management planning and implementation. A major challenge is the harmonization between developments and ideas in EPOS, established practices within the European level seismological institutions, and national / institutional policies (where and if existent), recognizing that e.g. ORFEUS and EMSC have each more than 50 participating member institutions from more than 30 countries.

In this contribution we will review the state of the discussion on these issues, present current strategies and plans regarding policy harmonization and implementation, and also address connections of our efforts to other relevant initiatives originating for example from GEO or RDA.