Presentation information


IASPEI Symposia » S01. Open session

[S01-P] Poster

Wed. Aug 2, 2017 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Event Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2F)

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

[S01-P-13] High-frequency geophone with correction scheme for mine explosion monitoring

Alina Besedina1, Yaroslav Denisenko2, Evgeny Vinogradov1 (1.Institute of geospheres dynamics, 2.Moscow institute of physics and technology)

The paper reviews correction method of frequency response of high frequency geophones: the method of multiplying the transfer sensor functions with the transfer function of correction filter of the 2nd order. This method broadens geophone's response function from 10 Hz to 0.8 Hz that was proved by shake table experiments: self-resonant frequency of the geophone with correction device was found as 0.8 Hz with sensitivity 19 V/(m/s) that corresponds to 3 dB.
In case of micro-seismic noise studying this scheme appeared proper to broaden lower edge of response function of geophone GS-20DX from 10 Hz to 2 Hz for signals of different amplitudes. If signal amplitude exceeds local noise level it's possible to register signals with the frequency down to 0.8 Hz (as shown in shake table experiments).
Correction scheme field tests were carried out on the base of mining bursts monitoring. We compared records of the short-period seismometer (0.5-40 Hz) and the geophone with correction scheme (0.8-40 Hz) that had been registered during summer 2016. Gained data are compliant.
Application of described scheme for low-aperture arrays can significantly decrease equipment cost for proper frequency range.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 16-35-00508).