Presentation information


IASPEI Symposia » S01. Open session

[S01-P] Poster

Wed. Aug 2, 2017 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Event Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2F)

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

[S01-P-18] Seismic Activity in the Central Tottori prefecture, Japan, with an M6.6 earthquake on October 21, 2016 analyzed by the Matched Filter Method

Shiro Ohmi (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)

Seismic activity in the central Tottori prefecture, southwest Japan was analyzed by using the Matched Filter Method (MFM). This swarm activity started with an M6.6 event on October 21, 2016. In this analysis, we implemented MFM as a pseudo-automatic hypocenter determination system that enables to locate earthquakes one by one. Our interest is if the MFM is a useful tool for immediate grasp of an ongoing intense swarm activity.

In the MFM analysis, selection of the template earthquakes is important since the spatial distance and magnitude difference among the template earthquakes affect the detectivity of earthquakes. For this purpose, we separately implemented the conventional event detection algorithm using STA/LTA to detect possible template earthquake in order to configure a set of template earthquakes. In the current analysis, we inspected the candidate earthquakes to select a new template whose spatial distance is greater than 2.5 km and magnitude difference is greater than 1.0 among existing templates. We repeated this procedure during 17 days from October 21 to November 7 to select a set of templates and finally selected 37 template earthquakes in this manner in the test period. When we obtained a new template, all the continuous record in the test period are scanned by the new template to detect new earthquakes.

During the test period of 17 days, about 7,000 earthquakes are detected and located with 37 templates. Comparison with manually inspected catalogue provided by JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) indicates that the configuration of earthquake clusters well coincide with each other with slight differences and it was useful to understand the outline of the activity in the early stage. Although the manually inspected catalogue data is essential for the precise evaluation of a seismic activity, we suppose MFM is one of the powerful tools for an immediate grasp of the ongoing intense swarm activity.