Presentation information


IASPEI Symposia » S07. Strong ground motions and Earthquake hazard and risk

[S07-4] Hazard and risk assessment, and data processing strategies

Tue. Aug 1, 2017 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Main Hall (Kobe International Conference Center 1F)

Chairs: Massimiliano Pittore (GFZ Potsdam) , Toshiaki Yokoi (BRI)

10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

[S07-4-01] Rapid estimation of ground-shaking maps for seismic emergency management in Turkey

Ulubey Ceken1, Eren Tepeugur2, Turgay Kuru2, Elcin Gok3, Caglar Ozer3,4, Orhan Polat3,5 (1.Head of the Earthquake Department, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD), Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic, Ankara, Turkey (ulubey.ceken@afad.gov.tr), 2.National Strong-Motion Network of the Earthquake Department, Disaster and Management Authority (AFAD), Prime Ministry of Turkish Republic, Ankara, Turkey (turgay.kuru@afad.gov.tr), 3.Division of Seismology, Department Geophysics, Engineering Faculty, Dokuz Eylul University (DEU), Izmir, Turkey (orhan.polat@deu.edu.tr) * Corresponding Author, 4.DEU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department Geophysics, Izmir 35160 Turkey, 5.Corresponding Author)

Strong ground-shaking mapping soon after a moderate-to-large earthquake is crucial to recognize the areas that have suffered the largest damage and losses. These maps have a fundamental role for emergency services, loss estimation and planning of emergency actions by the Civil Protection Authorities. This is particularly important for the Eastern Mediterranean areas with high seismic risk levels, such as the Turkey. Rapid (3-5 minutes) generation of maps of instrumental ground-motion and shaking intensity is accomplished through advances in real-time accelerometric data acquisition combined with newly developed relationships between recorded ground-motion parameters and expected shaking intensity values.

Taking advantage of the National Strong-Motion Network (TR-NSMN) of Turkey which belongs to Earthquake Department of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD, Ankara) of the Turkish Prime Ministry, we have implemented the algorithm for rapid estimation of ground-shakings soon after moderate-to-large earthquakes occurred in Turkey.

Estimation of shaking over the Turkey is obtained by the spatial interpolation of the measured ground motions with geologically based frequency and amplitude-dependent site corrections. Production of the maps is automatic, triggered by an earthquake (M>4.0). Maps are made available within several minutes of the earthquake for public and scientific needs. The algorithm produces ground-shaking maps by highlighting its ability to predict peak ground-motion parameters of large magnitude earthquakes (Corresponding Author, O.Polat)


This study was granted by the AFAD National Earthquake Research Programme (nr. UDAP-G-14-15) of the Turkish Prime Ministry. We appreciate C.B. Worden, D.J. Wald, O.Razinkov and all AFAD team for their ongoing supports.