

IASPEI Symposia » S07. Strong ground motions and Earthquake hazard and risk

[S07-P] Poster

2017年8月2日(水) 15:30 〜 16:30 Event Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2F)

15:30 〜 16:30

[S07-P-05] Evaluation of site effect by aftershock observation data due to the 2016 mid Tottori prefecture earthquake and microtremor observation in the mid area of Tottori Prefecture, Japan

Tatsuya Noguchi1, Takao Kagawa1, Shohei Yoshida1, Sho Nakai1, Hiroshi Ueno1, Kazu Yoshimi1, Shoya Arimura1, Shinji Yamamoto1, Hayato Nishikawa2 (1.Tottori University, Tottori, Japan, 2.NIT. Maizuru college, Mizuru, Japan)

An earthquake (Mj6.6) occurred in central Tottori Prefecture in Japan on October 21, 2016. We conducted aftershock (strong motion) observation at several temporary sites in this area with housing damages. Also densely microtremor observations were carried out to estimate the characteristic of ground vibration in the damage area. Microtremor H/V spectra and a distribution of the predominant period were obtained from observation data. In addition, we checked the relationship between the site amplification effects and the results of analysis of strong motion and microtremor at the temporary observation sites. We found the characteristics of ground vibration form transfer functions of SH-wave by S-wave velocities, H/V of microtremor and receiver function and H/V of strong motion.