

IASPEI Symposia » S14. Upper mantle and transition zone dynamics and structure

[S14-P] Poster

2017年8月4日(金) 15:00 〜 16:00 Event Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2F)

15:00 〜 16:00

[S14-P-03] Differences in the lithosphere seismic structure along the Brazilian continental margin in the South Atlantic from travel time seismic tomography

Marcelo Rocha1, Paulo Azevedo1, Marcelo Assumpcao2, George Franca1, Giuliano Marotta1 (1.Seismological Observatory - University of Brasilia, Brazil, 2.University of Sao Paulo)

Results of the P-wave travel-time seismic tomography method allowed observing differences in the seismic behavior of the lithosphere along the Brazilian continental margin in the South Atlantic. High velocity anomalies have predominance in the northern portion, which extends from the Rio de Janeiro to Alagoas States (between latitudes -22.5 and -8.5), and low velocity anomalies in the southern portion, which extends from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Sul States (between latitudes -30 and -22.5). Low velocities coincide spatially with high seismicity areas, as indicated by Assumpcao (1998) and at the high velocities with low seismicity regions. The high velocity anomalies at northern portion are related to the cratonic and low-stretched lithosphere of San Francisco paleocontinent that was connected to the Congo block before the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. Low velocities can be assigned to more weakened lithosphere, where it started the South Atlantic Ocean opening process. The oldest lithosphere in the South Atlantic, indicated by the magnetic anomalies of the oceanic floor, is higher in the southern part than in the northern part, suggesting that the continents in this region were separating, while the northern region was still connected to Africa, which could explain the lithospheric stretching process.