

IASPEI Symposia » S27. Geothermal energy: Ground source heat pump, hydrothermal system, and hot dry rocks

[S27-P] Poster

2017年8月4日(金) 15:00 〜 16:00 Event Hall (The KOBE Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2F)

15:00 〜 16:00

[S27-P-02] RINGEN - Research INfrastructure for Geothermal ENergy

Petr Dedecek1, Vladimir Cermak1, Jan Safanda1, Tomas Fischer2, Antonin Tym2 (1.Institute of Geophysic ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic, 2.Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic)

RINGEN (Research INfrastructure for Geothermal ENergy) is a unique research institution – first of its kind in the Czech Republic, whose hosting institution (founder) is Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague. The RINGEN promotes research and development in the country and offers specific services related to the practical use of geothermal energy. Its key asset is the existence of 2.1 km deep testing geothermal borehole PVGT-LT1 (drilled in 2006-2007) and the basic seismic monitoring network (established in 2014) allowing in-time testing. RINGEN is the Czech contribution to European and global research and development in the area of geothermal energy, which until now has been rather limited to the cooperation of individual national research centers and/or individual researchers without the appropriate material and scientific background. We want to further broaden its scope to focus on induced seismicity, detection capabilities of seismic networks, hydrogeological, geomechanical and geotechnical conditions and on mathematical modeling of underground geothermal exchangers as well as the studies of the geothermal properties of rocks. Among the nearest goals belongs a proposed new 4 – 5 km deep borehole to be drilled at Litomerice area in northern Bohemia. The so far obtained RINGEN results are briefly presented with our desire to open the RINGEN facilities to the international cooperation, research institutions or researchers from anywhere are welcome to establish a partnership.