

[O25-3] O25-3: Drug abuse

2017年9月25日(月) 13:30 〜 14:30 Room E (1F)

Chairs: Eric J.F. Franssen, The Netherlands / Ryuji Kato, Japan

[O25-3-3] A new bioassay for detection and activity profiling of synthetic opioids

Christophe Stove1, Annelies Cannaert2, Lakshmi Vasudevan3, Maurice Wilde4, Volker Auwaerter5, Kathleen Van Craenenbroeck6, Sarah Wille7, Christophe Stove8 (1.Ghent University, 2.Ghent University, 3.Ghent University, 4.University of Freiburg, 5.University of Freiburg, 6.Ghent University, 7.Federal Public Service Justice, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology, 8.Ghent University)

キーワード:bio-assay, synthetic opioids, new psychoactive substances, screening

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