

[O27-1] O27-1: Pharmacometrics (1)

2017年9月27日(水) 10:30 〜 11:15 Room C1 (1F)

Chairs: Yoshitaka Yano, Japan / Hidefumi Kasai, Japan

[O27-1-2] Hospital pharmacometrics contributing to the treatment of connective tissue diseases with low dose cyclosporine A

Chika Ogami1, Yasuhiro Tsuji2, Hidefumi Kasai3, Emi Sonemoto4, Akiko Mizoguchi5, Yuichi Muraki6, Yoichi Hiraki7, Hideto To8 (1.University of Toyama, 2.University of Toyama, 3.Certara G. K., 4.Sasebo Chuo Hospital, 5.Sasebo Chuo Hospital, 6.Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, 7.National Organization Beppu Medical Center, 8.University of Toyama)

キーワード:Connective tissue diseases, Cyclosporine A, Hospital pharmacometrics

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