Presentation information


[O27-2] O27-2: Pharmacometrics (2)

Wed. Sep 27, 2017 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Room C1 (1F)

Chairs: Fumiyoshi Yamashita, Japan / Toshimi Kimura, Japan

[O27-2-1] Multiple-model optimization of sparse sample phenotyping of drug disposition utilizing population modeling

Ida Robertsen1, Veronica Krogstad2, Philip C. Angeles3, Linek Johnson4, Joran Hjelmesaeth5, Rune Sandbu6, Cecilia Karlsson7, Shalini Andersson8, TommyB Andersson9, Hege Christensen10, Anders Aasberg11 (1.University of Oslo, 2.University of Oslo, 3.The Morbid Obesity Center and Vestfold Hospital Trust, 4.The Morbid Obesity Center and Vestfold Hospital Trust, 5.The Morbid Obesity Center and Vestfold Hospital Trust, 6.Vestfold Hospital Trust, 7.AstraZeneca Gothenburg, 8.AstraZeneca Gothenburg, 9.AstraZeneca Gothenburg, 10.University of Oslo, 11.Oslo University Hospital)

Keywords:pharmacokinetic population modeling, multiple-model optimal sampling, phenotyping, drug disposition

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