Presentation information


[O27-2] O27-2: Pharmacometrics (2)

Wed. Sep 27, 2017 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Room C1 (1F)

Chairs: Fumiyoshi Yamashita, Japan / Toshimi Kimura, Japan

[O27-2-2] Mechanistic pharmacodynamic analysis on safety profiles of eribulin in patients with breast cancer using data obtained by post-marketing observational study

Takahisa Kawamura1, Hidefumi Kasai2, Valentina Fermanelli3, Toshiaki Takahashi4, Yukinori Sakata5, Toshiyuki Matsuoka6, Mika Ishii7, Yusuke Tanigawara8 (1.Shizuoka Cancer Center, 2.Certara G.K., 3.Keio University School of Medicine, 4.Shizuoka Cancer Center, 5.Eisai Co. Ltd, 6.Eisai Co. Ltd., 7.Eisai Co. Ltd, 8.Keio University School of Medicine)

Keywords:Neutropenia, Eribulin, Pharmacodynamics

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