Presentation information


[O27-3] O27-3: Oncology (1)

Wed. Sep 27, 2017 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Room C1 (1F)

Chairs: Alan Fotoohi, Sweden / Masami Kawahara, Japan

[O27-3-1] Towards therapeutic drug monitoring of everolimus in oncology? Results of an exploratory study

Jean-Baptiste Woillard1, Marine Deppenweiler2, Franck Saint-Marcoux3, Caroline Monchaud4, Marie-Laure Laroche5, Nicolas Picard6, Nicoles Tubiana7, Pierre Marquet8, Sabrina Falkowski9 (1.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 2.CHU Limoges, 3.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 4.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 5.CHU Limoges, 6.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 7.CHU Limoges, 8.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 9.CHU Limoges)

Keywords:everolimus, oncology, TDM, toxicity, progression free survival

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