Presentation information


[P25-1] P25-1: Anti-infective drugs (1): Aminoglycosides and beta-lactams

Mon. Sep 25, 2017 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Annex Hall (1F)

Chair: Andrew McLachlan, Australia

[P25-1-1] Population pharmacokinetic modeling approach to compare different amikacin dose rates in children with cystic fibrosis: Are we efficient enough?

Jean-Baptiste Woillard1, Stephane Bouchet2, Amazigh Lakdhari3, Stephanie Bui4, Fanck Saint-Marcoux5, Pierre Marquet6, Christian Woloch7 (1.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 2.CHU Limoges, 3.CHU Limoges, 4.CHU Limoges, 5.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 6.CHU Limoges, Univ Limoges, 7.CHU Limoges)

Keywords:non-parametric, amikacine, cystic fibrosis, PTA

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