Presentation information


[P25-1] P25-1: Anti-infective drugs (1): Aminoglycosides and beta-lactams

Mon. Sep 25, 2017 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Annex Hall (1F)

Chair: Andrew McLachlan, Australia

[P25-1-4] External evaluation of amikacin population pharmacokinetic models in Japanese adult patients

Ken-ichi Sako1, Nozomi Yoshikawa2, Naoto Hashimoto3, Yoshihiko Matsuki4, Kunizo Arai5, Kazuro Ikawa6, Norifumi Morikawa7, Yoshikazu Matsuda8 (1.Nihon Pharmaceutical University, 2.Nihon Pharmaceutical University, 3.Nihon Pharmaceutical University, 4.Funabashi General Hospital l, 5.Kanazawa University, 6.Hiroshima University, 7.Hiroshima University, 8.Nihon Pharmaceutical University)

Keywords:amikacin, population pahrmacokinetics, external evaluation, validation, predictive performance

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