Presentation information


[P26-4] P26-4: Central nervous system drugs (3)

Tue. Sep 26, 2017 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Annex Hall (1F)

Chair: Christoph Hiemke, Germany

[P26-4-9] A pharmacodynamic model of midazolam-induced sedation in terminally ill adult patients

Birgit C. P. Koch1, Linda G. Franken2, Anniek D. Masman3, Monique van Dijk4, Frans P.M. Baar5, Dick Tibboel6, Teun van Gelder7, Ron A.A. Mathot8, Brenda C.M. de Winter9 (1.Erasmus MC, 2.Erasmus MC, 3.Palliative Care Centre, Laurens Cadenza, 4.Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital, 5.Palliative Care Centre, Laurens Cadenza, 6.Erasmus MC - Sophia Children's Hospital, 7.Erasmus MC, 8.Academic Medical Centre, 9.Erasmus MC)

Keywords:pharmacodynamics, midazolam, sedation palliative care

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