Presentation information


[P27-2] P27-2: Anti-infective drugs (7): Antifungals

Wed. Sep 27, 2017 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Annex Hall (1F)

Chair: Yoh Takekuma, Japan

[P27-2-2] Individualized medication of voriconazole: a practice guideline of the division of therapeutic drug monitoring, Chinese Pharmacological Society

Suodi Zhai1, Ken Chen2, Xianglin Zhang3, Xiaoyan Ke4, Guanhua Du5, Kehu Yang6 (1.Peking University Third Hospital, 2.Peking University Third Hospital, 3.China-Japan Friendship Hospital, 4.Peking University Third Hospital, 5.Institute of Materia Medica and Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, 6.Evidence-Based Medicine Center, Lanzhou University)

Keywords:guidelines, voriconazole, individualized medication

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