

[P27-2] P27-2: Anti-infective drugs (7): Antifungals

2017年9月27日(水) 12:30 〜 13:30 Annex Hall (1F)

Chair: Yoh Takekuma, Japan

[P27-2-7] Usefulness of therapeutic drug monitoring of voriconazole in patients with liver cirrhosis (Child-Pugh class C)

Takehiro Yamada1, Shungo Imai2, Yuki Tazawa3, Keisuke Kagami4, Kenichiro Yamashita5, Tsuyoshi Shimamura6, Ken Iseki7 (1.Hokkaido University Hospital, 2.Hokkaido University Hospital, 3.Hokkaido University Hospital, 4.Hokkaido University Hospital, 5.Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, 6.Hokkaido University Hospital, 7.Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University)

キーワード:voriconazole, Child-Pugh

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