Presentation information


[P27-9] P27-9: Pharmacokinetics and PK/PD

Wed. Sep 27, 2017 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Annex Hall (1F)

Chair: Kosuke Doki, Japan

[P27-9-10] Serum concentrations of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates of Ritodrine in twin pregnancy

Mayuko Soma1, Ainari Konda2, Satoko Fujieda3, Yoichi Sasaki4, Mitsuaki Keira5, Hiroshi Yoshida6, Yuji Mukai7, Takaki Toda8, Nobuo Inotsume9 (1.Tenshi Hospital, 2.Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharmacy, 3.Tenshi Hospital, 4.Tenshi Hospital, 5.Tenshi Hospital, 6.Tenshi Hospital, 7.Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharmacy, 8.Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharmacy, 9.Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University School of Pharmacy)

Keywords:ritodrine, conjugate, sulfate, glucuronide, serum concentration

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