The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2023)


Workshop » Workshop 12


[Workshop 12] MASC: Arabidopsis for SDGs/4th Decadal Vision

The theme of this year's ICAR is Arabidopsis for Sustainable Development Goals. Participants will discuss how research in Arabidopsis can be leveraged to help achieve some of the United Nation's 17 SDGs, especially in the area of zero hunger, climate action, and life on land. In addition, participants will discuss how Arabidopsis research can help address important plant science questions (such as those posed in Armstrong et al., 2023; doi. 10.1111/nph.18771) and the kinds of international projects that might be considered as part of a 4th decadal vision for Arabidopsis research, following on from successful collaborations that have arisen from 3 decades of coordinated efforts.

2023年6月8日(木) 14:00 〜 15:30 Makuhari Messe 2F(Room 1)

Chair:Nicholas Provart (University of Toronto, Canada), Masatomo Kobayashi (RIKEN BRC, Japan)

This session is sponsored by RIKEN RIKEN CSRS / BRC.
Keynote 01    Keynote 01

14:00 〜 15:30

Organized by Nicholas Provart (University of Toronto, Canada) and Masatomo Kobayashi (RIKEN BRC, Japan)
Panelists (in alphaberical order):
Gabriela Auge (CONICET, Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Mentewab Ayalew (Spelman College, USA)
Sureshkumar Balasubramanian (Monash Univ, Australia)
Dirk Inze (VIB, Belgium)
Kazuki Saito (RIKEN CSRS, Japan)




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