[P] 15 Cytoskeleton/Cell polarity
Tue. Jun 6, 2023 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Poster 15(Meeting Room 10)
Takeshi Higa1, Saku Kijima2, Takema Sasaki2, Shogo Takatani2, Yohei Kondo3,4,5, Mayumi Wakazaki6, Mayuko Sato6, Kiminori Toyooka6, Taku Demura7, Hiroo Fukuda8, *Yoshihisa Oda2 (1. The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2. Nagoya University, Japan, 3. Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, Japan, 4. National Institute for Basic Biology, Japan, 5. SOKENDAI, Japan, 6. RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, Japan, 7. Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, 8. Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan)
Noriyoshi Yagi1, *Masayoshi Nakamura1 (1. Nagoya University, Japan)
[PO-385] GraFT - Robust spatiotemporal filament disentanglement using a network theoretic framework
*Isabella Østerlund1,2, Staffan Persson1, Zoran Nikoloski2,3 (1. Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark, 2. Bioinformatics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, 14476 Postdam, Germany, 3. Systems Biology and Mathematical Modeling, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, 14476 Postdam, Germany)
*Machiko Watari1, Mariko Kato1, Branc-Mathieu Roman2, Tomohiko Tsuge1, Hiroyuki Ogata1, Takashi Aoyama1 (1. Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto university, Japan, 2. Laboratoire Physiologie Cellulaire & Vegetale, University of Grenoble Alpes, IRIG, INRA, CNRS, CEA, France)
*Hugh Mulvey1, Liam Dolan1 (1. Gregor Mendel Institute (GMI), Austria)