
Session information


8. Genetics and Genomics

[8-7] International sequencing initiatives: Building genomic resources and bridging research disciplines

Thu. Aug 29, 2024 4:15 PM - 6:15 PM Room K

Chair: Brad Steven Coates (USDA-ARS), Li Fei (Zhejiang University)

5:15 PM - 5:30 PM

*Erich Bornberg-Bauer1, Gregor Bucher2, Barbara Feldmeyer3, Lars Podsiadlowski4, Eckart Stolle5 (1. University of Münster, Germany (Germany), 2. University of Göttingen (Germany), 3. Senckenberg Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum (Germany), 4. Zool. Forschungsmuseum Koenig (ZFMK), University of Bonn (Germany), 5. Zool. Forschungsmuseum Koenig (ZFMK), University Bonn (Germany))

6:00 PM - 6:15 PM

*Haley Arnold1,2, William P Haines3, Julian R Dupuis4, Michael San Jose3, Daniel Z Rubinoff3, Scott M Geib1, Sheina B Sim1 (1. USDA REE-ARS (United States of America), 2. ORISE (United States of America), 3. University of Hawaii at Manoa (United States of America), 4. University of Kentucky (United States of America))



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