
Presentation information


10. Insect-Microbe Interactions

[10-6] How do insects evolve to manage symbioses with microbes?

Thu. Aug 29, 2024 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM Room 510

Chair: Allison Hansen (University of California, Riverside), Gordon M Bennett (University of California Merced), Minoru Moriyama (AIST)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[10-6-08] Host offense and microbial defense mechanisms to establish the Riptortus and Caballeronia symbiosis

*Tsubasa Ohbayashi1, Yoshitomo Kikuchi2, Peter Mergaert3 (1. National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) (Japan), 2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (Japan), 3. CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay (France))

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