
Presentation information


12. Alien insects

[12-2] Alien Pest Invasions: Strategies for Managing New Pest Introductions Driven by Trade, Travel, and Climate Change

Mon. Aug 26, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM Room 554

Chair: Yu Takeuchi (North Carolina State University), Godshen Pallipparambil Robert (North Carolina State University)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[12-2-06] Combining climatic and host data to predict establishment risk of a frequent invader, the Japanese cedar longhorned beetle

*Kristy M McAndrew1, Kevin D Chase2, Andrew Liebhold3, Samuel F Ward4 (1. Mississippi State University (United States of America), 2. The R.A. Bartlett Tree Research Lab (UK), 3. U.S. Forest Service (United States of America), 4. The Ohio State University (United States of America))

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