


14. Pest Management

[14-14] Control Strategies of Hemipteran Pest Bugs

2024年8月29日(木) 09:45 〜 11:45 Annex Hall1

座長: Ken Tabuchi (Tohoku Agricultural Research Center, NARO), Un Taek Lim (Andong National University)

10:00 〜 10:15

[14-14-02] Characterization and improvement of “Cimiciato” damage management: Insights from trials on the impact of Halyomorpha halys on hazelnut quality

*Flavia de Benedetta1,2, Matteo Giaccone3, Antonio Dario Troise4, Sabrina De Pascale4, Andrea Scaloni4, David Turrà1, Francesco Vinale2,5, Umberto Bernardo2 (1. University of Naples Federico II - Department of Agricultural Sciences (Italy), 2. Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) – National Research Council of Italy (CNR) (Italy), 3. Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (ISAFoM) – National Research Council of Italy (CNR) (Italy), 4. Institute for animal production system in mediterranean environment (ISPAAM) – National Research Council of Italy (CNR) (Italy), 5. University of Naples Federico II - Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production (Italy))

