
Presentation information


16. Physiology, Neurobiology and Molecular Biology

[16-2] Low temperature biology: molecular mechanisms, physiological processes, and organismal consequences

Mon. Aug 26, 2024 1:30 PM - 6:15 PM Room D

Chair: Brent Sinclair (University of Western Ontario), Nick Teets (University of Kentucky)

4:15 PM - 4:30 PM

[16-2-09] Comparisons of stress tolerance and transcriptomic response to sublethal freezing in the larvae of the Antarctic midge, Belgica antarctica, from three different populations

*Yuta Kawarasaki1, Cleverson Lima2, Jack Devlin2, J.D. Gantz3, Vitor Pavinato5,4, Andrew Michel4, Nicholas M Teets2 (1. Gustavus Adolphus College (United States of America), 2. University of Kentucky (United States of America), 3. Hendrix College (United States of America), 4. The Ohio State University (United States of America), 5. Temple University (United States of America))

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