
Presentation information


18. Systematics, Phylogeny, and Morphology

[18-4] Phylogeny and Evolution of Beetles - Symposium celebrating 90th Birthday of John Francis Lawrence

Tue. Aug 27, 2024 1:30 PM - 6:15 PM Room B-1

Chair: Hiroyuki Yoshitomi (Ehime University), Adam Slipinski (CSIRO), Richard Leschen (Landcare Research), Takahiro Yoshida (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

5:45 PM - 6:00 PM

[18-4-14] Branching Out: Exploring the Evolutionary Tree of Leaf Beetles (Chrysomelidae)

*Yelena Pacheco1,2, Rebecca A Clement1,2, Alexander S Konstantinov1,2, Christopher L Owen1,2 (1. United States Department of Agriculture -ARS (United States of America), 2. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (United States of America))

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