
Presentation information


18. Systematics, Phylogeny, and Morphology

[18-5] Decoding Parasitic Lice: Systematics, Evolution, and Genomics

Wed. Aug 28, 2024 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM Room B-1

Chair: Drew Sweet (Arkansas State University), Jorge Doña (University of Granada)

9:45 AM - 10:00 AM

[18-5-01] Structural and physical adaptations of the ectoparasitic seal louse, Echinophthirius horridus, for living in the deep sea

*Anika Preuss1, Thies H. Büscher1, Thomas van de Kamp2, Thomas Schwaha3, Insa Herzog4, Peter Wohlsein4, Kristina Lehnert4, Stanislav N. Gorb1 (1. Kiel University (Germany), 2. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany), 3. University of Vienna (Austria), 4. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Germany))

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