
Presentation information


19. Special Issue: Biomimetics and Robotics

[19-4] Robotics-inspired biology: Adaptive locomotion of insects and robots

Fri. Aug 30, 2024 9:45 AM - 3:30 PM Room F

Chair: Hitoshi Aonuma (Kobe University), Dai Owaki (Tohoku University), Shunsuke Shigaki (National Institute of Informatics)

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM

[19-4-13] Odor Learning System Based on Reservoir Computing Using Insect Electroantennogram

*So Moriya1, Shunsuke Shigaki2, Tatsuya Ibuki1 (1. Meiji University (Japan), 2. National Institute of Informatics (Japan))

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