
Presentation information


2. Apiculture and Sericulture

[2-2] Recent Advances in Basic and Applied Studies on Wild Silkworms and Silk in the World

Tue. Aug 27, 2024 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM Room G

Chair: Jun Kobayashi (Yamaguchi University), Michal Zurovec (Biology Centre CAS)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

[2-2-07] Effects of Radioactive Cesium on Wildsilk Produced by Japanese oak silkmoth, Antheraea yamamai --Insects in radioactively contaminated Fukushima forests--

*Yusuke Yoshida1, Masaomi TAKAHASHI1, Akihiro TOHSAKI1, Toshimasa MITAMURA3, Zenta KAJIURA4, Risako OHARA1, Takayuki HONDA2, Toru TAKAHASHI2, Satoshi INOSE5 (1. Osaka University (Japan), 2. Meiji University (Japan), 3. Fukushima Agricultural Technology Centre (Japan), 4. Shinshu University (Japan), 5. Meiji University(at presents JAEA) (Japan))

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