*Ardhiani Kurnia Hidayanti2,1, Takafumi N Sugimoto4, Achmad Gazali2,4, Yohsuke Tagami3
(1. School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) (Indonesia), 2. Science of Biological Environment, The United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Gifu University, Gifu , Gifu 501‑1193, Japan (Japan), 3. Applied Entomology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture,Shizuoka University, 836 Ohya Suruga‑ku, Shizuoka, Shizuoka 422‑8529, Japan (Japan), 4. National Research and Development CorporationAgricultural and Food Industry Technology, Tsukuba,Ibaraki, Japan (Japan))
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