
Presentation information


16. Physiology, Neurobiology and Molecular Biology

[Poster26] Physiology, Neurobiology and Molecular Biology

Fri. Aug 30, 2024 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Poster (Event Hall)

[P0987] Polyphylla laticollis manchurica, an Endangered Species in Korea: Transcriptome Analysis

*Jun Yang Jeong1,2, Chan-Eui Hong1,2, Yong Tae Kim1,2, Ziwei Liu1,2, Hyeonjun Shin1,2, Hyeok Lee1, Gyoung Won Lee1, Min Kyu Sang3, Jie eun Park3, Dae Kwon Song3, Hongray Howrelia Patnaik4, Bharat Bhusan Patnaik5, Heon Cheon Jeong2, Yong Seok Lee1,2,3 (1. Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Soonchunhyang University (Korea), 2. Korea Native Animal Resources Utilization Convergence Research Institute (Korea), 3. Research Support Center(Core-Facility) for Bio-Bigdata Analysis and Utilization of Biological Resources (Korea), 4. PG Department of Zoology BJB Autonomous College, Bhubaneswar, Odisha (India), 5. PG Department of Biosciences and Biotechnology Fakir Mohan University, Balasore 756089 Odisha (India))

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