
Presentation information


8. Genetics and Genomics

[Poster6] Genetics and Genomics

Mon. Aug 26, 2024 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Poster (Event Hall)

[P0187] A population genomics approach to study the structure and evolution of native and introduced populations of the mountain wood ant Formica paralugubris

*Lino Ometto1,2, Giobbe Forni3, Jacopo Martelossi3, Alberto Masoni4,2, Giulia Mercati1, Damiano Pistone1, Stefano Maretti5, Giacomo Santini4,2, Anna Olivieri1,2, Andrea Luchetti3, Fabrizio Ghiselli3 (1. University of Pavia (Italy), 2. National Biodiversity Future Center (Italy), 3. University of Bologna (Italy), 4. University of Firenze (Italy), 5. Kosmos-Natural History Museum of Pavia (Italy))

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