
Presentation information


10. Insect-Microbe Interactions

[Poster7] Insect-Microbe Interactions

Mon. Aug 26, 2024 11:45 AM - 1:30 PM Poster (Event Hall)

[P0247] Entomovectoring in action: discovering the potential of lacewings as fungus carrier for coffee berry borer control

Douglas da Silva Ferreira1,2, *Jéssica Letícia Abreu Martins1,2, Jefferson Fernandes Junior1,2, Hamilton Leite de Souza1,2, Elem Fialho Martins2, Lucas Andrade Teixeira1,2, Laís Viana Paes Mendonça1,2, Larissa Cristina Rocha Magina1,2, Angelo Pallini1, Madelaine Venzon2 (1. Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil), 2. Agriculture and Livestock Research Enterprise (Brazil))

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